Tuesday, March 24, 2009


We always in waiting. We always waiting for the something were unsure. Why we must waiting? In this world, waiting is part and parcel in life. We must wait for something which we unsure weather the things will be happens or not.

Looking back to the history, our journey to success is not easy as what we said. Lots of things will happen in middle. Lots of enemy is aiming us. Lots of time we have to sacrifice. But end of the day, after we went threw the entire obstacle, here we are...

For example, I’m not familiar to do blogging. And the worst, I don't how to create the blog. I feel so idiot because of that. But, after I did some research, and I ask my friends and also I did the 'try and error'... so here i am. I’m blogging at my own blog.

It's happens to all anglers. They have to wait for something which not sure. But why they still waiting. Because they know, they are learning something while them waiting...

So trust me, waiting is something useful in our life. But, don't ever let people do waiting because of yourself.

Think about that...

1 Komen Anda:

a.k.u.p.e.n.t.o.i said...

right here i'm waiting for something....and thinking.....serendah...tasik puteri..or kolam aji...finally...migrainy...lastly...hehehehe